5 Steps to a flexible working arrangement

9 LinkedIn Profile Tips For Job Seekers

 Are you on the hunt for a new job? You have probably started to update your CV and researched the jobs sites. Have you also updated your LinkedIn profile? Surveys show that 93% of hiring managers look at people’s social profiles before deciding to hire them. So, it’s important that your LinkedIn profile is up to date, complete and detailed. Here are some LinkedIn profile tips for job seekers.

1.Fully Complete Your Profile

Ensure that you fully complete your profile. Don’t rush it, set aside time to fill out every section. Recruiters value professional LinkedIn profiles that are comprehensive and detailed. An incomplete profile can signal to a recruiter that you are not competent at finishing tasks. You can be assured that your LinkedIn profile will be the first thing they look at so give a great first impression and make it easy for them to shortlist you.

2. Create A Custom URL

Make it easier to share your LinkedIn profile on your business cards, emails, CV and other business documents by creating a user-friendly, custom URL (linkedin.com/yourname). Do this by navigating to the Edit Profile section and editing your Public Profile URL.

3. Create An Impressive Headline

The professional headline is the tagline, immediately following your name, at the top of your LinkedIn Profile. The headline also appears with your name and photo in your LinkedIn Group activities and updates. It consists of 120 characters. Use it to describe a benefit to your potential recruiter rather than a way to describe who you are and what you do. State what your value proposition is. Use keywords that others might search for when looking for your services or skills.

4. Choose A Great Photo

Choose a recent professional photo, ideally a headshot, to upload to your profile. Don’t use a group shot photo or one with a family member or friend in it. Ensure it is of good quality – not blurred, pixelated or filtered heavily. And make sure you are dressed to reflect the atmosphere of the profession you are applying for. For example, a graphic designer wouldn’t wear a suit but choose colourful clothing, backgrounds or accessories to reflect their creativity, energy and personality. Also be aware of your posture in the photo, the aim is to convey confidence.

5. Be Unique

Avoid using generic job description keywords that are overused on LinkedIn profiles. LinkedIn annually publishes the most overused buzzwords on the platform. Last year that included; specialised, leadership, passionate, strategic, experienced, focused, expert, certified, creative and excellent. Think of more specific keywords. For example, instead of “leadership” specify the type of leadership you have experience with, for example ‘team leader’ or ‘cross-functional leadership’ instead.

6. Refine Your Summary

This is the section to showcase your personality and allow the reader to get to know you. Try to avoid bragging or listing your accomplishments without giving any context to the achievements. You have 2,000 characters to work within this section. Write in the first person in a conversational tone. Include approximately80% professional information and 20% personal.

7. Use Keywords

Similar to the use of keywords in your CV, use keywords from the job descriptions from the job you want to apply for. Note the most popular keywords from the job descriptions you are eyeing, then work them into your summary and experience. Ensure the keywords are not overly used but instead strategically placed throughout your profile.

8. Showcase Your Projects

Take advantage of the projects section to showcase your skills in action. This can help highlight your teamwork skills (by adding team members who you worked with on a project), it can enhance your reputation and increases your chances of appearing in LinkedIn search results by including keywords in your projects.

9. Ask For Recommendations

If your recommendations are on the low side, take time to request them. The best way to get recommendations is to give them. Start by searching for old colleagues and give them recommendations. Most members adhere to the LinkedIn etiquette and will return the recommendation. Hiring managers like to see recommendations especially from old colleagues and line managers.